Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Here's a picture of my little guy finding his feet and toes for the first time - in a vacuum store. How sweet is he?! Love that Boy!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Well, that was a busy day!!  Garage sale here.  Ridding of lots of clothes and toys that never get used and just plain old 'stuff' we've collected in the basement over the years.  And  old things that have been replaced by new things - the krups espresso machine for the new dated Keurig - which I'm in love with!  Then restoring ALL the unsold stuff back to the basement in hopes to do one more garage sale this season. Then to the store for some specific dinner groceries for guests that were coming over for dinner.  Then having extremely wound up, over-tired kids running around the house!  The joys that I know I will cherish down the road (At least that's what people keep telling me! haha). 
So...on a big change of subject - I'm not too overly impressed with my blog yet.  Pretty boring stuff.  I guess I like deep and real, to the core kinda feelings.  I am realizing that it's a lot harder to reveal those things to - what could be - a huge audience. To reveal what really goes through my mind. What really is happening in my life and the lives around me.  I suppose privacy is what comes to mind.  Some things are meant for all to know and some things aren't.  But that's where I struggle with people that seem to be "fake".  People that act as though all around them is perfect and not a thing in their lives is wrong.  Is that truly possible?  Maybe for some people.  Or maybe I'm the odd one? Hm. 
Anyway - maybe in a surprise blog here and there, reality (to the core feelings) will slip into writing :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Something Healthy Please!

Wow. I'm excited to start blogging! It must be because it's something new. Maybe these enthusiastic posts will make up for missing days of posting, which I'm sure are to come?! Sounds good to me!
Well, the hubby and I had a chance to go for dinner lastnight sans girls. So, just us and the babe - 5 months - who needs a congratulations for getting his first 2 bottom teeth through without sleepless nights! What a good little boy. Love him. Dinner was nice. We were on our way for something easy and started talking about what we might eat. We're both getting tired of the grease/calorie filled dishes that we could make better ourselves and decided we weren't going to be enjoying the food so were trying to think of a healthier choice restaurant. We listed a good handful and none were really 'healthy'! We debated about going back home but I was not in the mood to cook. We know there are some nicer restaurants downtown that are fresh food/chef prepared but then you're looking at a much more expensive bill and not super baby friendly... Seriously? Are there no healthy restaurant choices? Help me out here - please feel free to share your insights! I'd love to know of some great new places to eat. I do know there are some places with"healthy" choices...but is it truly 'fresh' food? BESIDES a salad!
Anyway - we ended up at Moxie's. We do love that place and haven't been there together in ages. Mike had enchiladas (healthy?...probably not, but a nice choice other than burgers/deep fried food). I had 'Fraser Valley free-run chicken with goat cheese'. Sounded healthy and I can never get enough of chicken. It was pretty good! But, they have to make it not healthy, don't they? The chicken still had the skin on and it was fried. Really yummy though. Just a step away from 'healthy'.
Trust me, we're not healthy all the time. We definatly love our snacks and cravings and don't pass them up often but it's nice to try...and well, restaurants just make us feel bloated lately.
And since we have embarked on our 90 day challenge, we are more motivated to eat better.
So - I guess this day was about food! Not my intention but here it is non the less!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

6 years in...

It's been just over 6 years married and thought it time to start a blog...about life...about kids...about dreams.
I hope to be 'real' and hope to be thought of as authentic - plus I love that word.
At times, it'll just be a line or a paragraph. Maybe something one of the kids did - or didn't do. Maybe a brief emotion in time. Hopefully, in some way, I'll be able to catch it on paper, or I suppose I should say blog.
So, here I go! Wish me luck and join me as I share my life stories, my kids, dreams, and challenges.